Employee Suggestion Box

If you have a suggestion, please leave it below in the "Message" box.

If you would like to remain anonymous, please type "Anonymous" in the name box and "Anon(at)anon.com" in the email boxes below.

                                               COVID-19 PRE-SCREENING
 Did you know that as a homecare employee you’re required to complete daily self-COVID-19 screens and report any symptoms to   your Attentive Care Supervisor?


 Before your shift, ask yourself the follow question:

 Do you currently have any of the following COVID-19 symptoms: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing,   fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea?

Yes                     No

 If you answered “yes” to having any of these symptoms, or have tested postive for COVID-19, call Attentive Care prior to your shift with your client and speak to your Field Staff Supervisor, Nursing Supervisor or On-call Field Staff Supervisor for further direction.

Based on your symptoms, status, or known exposures, you may be instructed to use additional personal protective equipment (PPE) such as wearing a N95 or surgical mask when providing patient care. 

Remember, it’s your responsibility as a healthcare professional to help stop the spread of infection and keep your clients safe.


 Albany (518) 438-6271      Nassau/Queens: (516) 822-2080      Suffolk: (631) 587-3366

For A Limited Time Only!



TOPNOTCH CASH CLUBimage-20210216095525-1.jpeg




Click for details


 If you have moved within the last year, please contact the office staff as soon as possible.  We will update your information to ensure your W-2's are sent to the correct address.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Important Employee Update

All employees must download the​​​HHAeXchange 

mobile app

The HHAeXchange Mobile App is available for download through the App Store or Google Play. The App is available for both iPhone and Android devices. To locate and download the App, enter the keyword HHA Exchange in the search bar of the App Store or Google Play

Android Play Store For Android Users: HHAeXchange - Apps on Google Play

Apple App Store For Iphone Users: HHAeXchange on the App Store - Apple

Quick Setup For UseQuick Install Steps

pdfdl96.pngEasy App Use - This is what you want!!

Instructions For UseHow to use the HHAX app

This site includes;

  • Easy Access to your ADP payroll information and W2s
  • Direct Deposit Information
  • In-Services Online
  • Forms
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Site Information


It's our Employees like you

©Copyright 2017 to 2025 Attentive Care Inc